Monday, February 25, 2008

Wow Dec. 1?

It's been that long? Well we finished detox at 5 weeks. Elle started to get exzema around her eyes and Justin got it around his mouth, and she complained that it burned. A few days later it was gone.

Only problem is, now she has the eye problem again and he gets rashes around his mouth when he eats things like milk and strawberries. So I don't know that it worked.

We detoxed again in January after the holidays b/c Justin had a bunch of gluten in all the food we ate, and it worked well. It only took a few days to see a difference, but I think I overdid it again b/c he got really tired and cranky. Once we stopped he was his old self. That is the nice thing about homeopathy, it is excreted relatively quickly and the effect wears off.

Now we are researching gut healing. The naturopath I am talking to on the phone said that the elimination diet is fine, but if we aren't doing anything to heal his gut, it is just putting a band aid on it. So hopefully this will be resolved soon.

Justin loves rice milk, and he has also started saying that mommy has chochy(chocolate) mil(k) in her na-nas. So cute! Who knew it was that good?

Anyway we are dealing with where to move. Eric essentially thinks I should move anywhere, and not get a vote, since I don't work and don't contribute to the family income. I say it's not about us anymore, it's about our kids. They want to see the family frequently, and we can't go far if that is going to be possible- 4 plane tickets gets expensive!

So we are at a stalemate. Hopefully a job will come along that satisfies both of us. We'll see!

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