Monday, October 22, 2007


I quit my job, as some of you already know. I could think of a million reasons to quit and only one to stay, which was to help out WIC moms one on one. But because I was supervising people who help WIC moms, I was not able to do much one on one counseling, like I thought I would be in the beginning.

It was such a mess anyway. Meshawn asked me to write up a report for my replacement. It ended up being 14 pages. It turns out that the numbers of WIC participants we based the number of Peer Counselors on was wrong, it was supposed to be divided by 3, as the numbers are for three months, not one. So we hired three times more PCs than we needed.

That also means that my numbers of breastfeeding referrals were much better than they looked, since the numbers hadn't been divided by three. So instead of reaching 4-10% of moms, we were probably reaching more like 25-40% of moms. Which is good for this area.

The other problem is the State Breastfeeding Coordinator. She has been at this job for 11 years and not much has been accomplished. Unfortunately she is also the V.P. of the LLCA, which means I have to see her on a regular basis. It seemed that every time the program was going well, she would shoot it in the foot and change her mind about how she wanted things done.

So now that I am out of a job, Eric wants to quit too! He is actively looking elsewhere. I told him I would feel the same way if I was passed over for a promotion, and then they hired this jackass from Florida. Basically the chef is a little man with a Napoleon complex who wants things done only his way. He listens to no one. So Eric can do the dance a bit longer and then we'll find somewhere else to go.

I am really happy here right now, but... I don't think it is worth it if my husband is miserable every day. Plus the city is doing nothing to rectify the nasty housing that hasn't been torn down or gutted. It is really a health hazard for the kids here. Imagine if Justin wasn't nursing? He'd be sick all the time! And Elle has horrible exzema, which could be related, but is probably more related to something she is eating.

Anyway that is what is going on at the moment. I'm sure I'll have more news soon!

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