Sunday, December 3, 2000

Hello, Hello, Hello

Time for a new update!  I forgot to tell y'all that we have been having fun.  Just kidding.  We went to Mikado's (a Japanese restaurant at the hotel) the other night with the manager from Tuscany's.  We sat at the sushi bar and the chef got us drunk on saki.  There was one that looked like milk.  It was all so good!

Sunday we went to Tom and Naomi's and watched the Sixth Sense again.  But before we did that Tom cooked and we drank red wine and solved all the problems of the world.  I feel like a real adult now!  I always couldn't understand how my parents could do that but it is definitely more interesting when we get to talk!  That was the first night since we've been here that we were out all night.  It was fun!

Thursday night we went to a restaurant called Tommy Bahamas with the manager from Tuscany's (again) and a server from Mikados (we helped set them up).  The food was good, but expensive.  A few people from my work met us there including my supervisor, who is really nice.  She told us we could get the same food at Spago's in L.A. for cheaper.  The thing is that here they cater to seasonal residents who have more money.  Her fiance is the make-up artist for Mimi on the Drew Carey show.  Very interesting!  Everyone that came was straight except one, if you're wondering.  They boys are leaving for Hawaii soon, and they recruited one of the other travelers that I work with to come with them.  Anyway, most of the conversation was about Drew Carey, so I won't bore you with that.

Eric and I went hiking Friday on the Pacific Crest Trail.  It runs along the mountain ranges from Canada to Mexico.  It's basically like the Appalachian trail on the East Coast.  It was nice, but it seems that every time we go hiking it's cloudy.  That makes it a little cooler than we would like... oh well!  It was fun anyway.  I think our next trip will be to L.A. after the holidays.  I am going to Vegas with Karla in two weeks!  I can't wait!

Other than that, life is boring.  Just kidding!  I am getting ready for Christmas and my parents and Helen are coming up... planning things to do while they're here.  It will be nice to see them.  It will also be nice when I finally get to go home again!  Well I will write more soon!  Take care!

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