Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Why I love Iowa

I love this state!  For quite a few reasons... first it was 75 today.  And like 100 in New Orleans.  I was complaining to Elle a few months ago that it was always cold, and I was tired of opening the front door to the cold in the morning, but if the summers are like this, it's worth it!  This is so nice- it's like California weather.

Also when you're nursing a baby in public, people are like, "oh how nice.  She's nursing."  And move on with their lives.  They don't look at you like you've just shot their dog, or are pooping in public, or are out to warp their children.  The South is so backwards.

Moving On

I was about to call it Turning My Back on the Past.  But that's not right.  I'm not turning my back on anything, I still have a piece of my heart in New Orleans.  However when people ask me how I like Iowa, I have to be honest and say I love it.  I really do!  We've lived in 5 states now in the past 15 years- Texas, Louisiana, California, South Carolina, Louisiana again, and now Iowa.

Friday, June 26, 2009


I want to make a few things clear... when I was asking Eric if he thought Justin was ever autistic, he got confused. He said that most people think autism is an incurable problem, a dead end diagnosis.

It's actually a constellation of things- social disconnect, sensory integration issues, delayed speech, stimming (doing the same behavior over and over again), delayed gross or fine motor skills, inflexibility, and labile mood. Physical manifestations are food allergies, gut dysfunction, immune system dysfunction, yeast overgrowth, and sleep disturbances.

Autism is treatable. There are biomedical treatments, homeopathy, physical treatments, OT and speech therapy, detox, chelation, methyl B12, on and on. It is like being hit by a bus. You don't get cured, but you can recover. Kids can recover from autism.